Track your routes quickly and easily. You can all CTA buses.
When a prediction changes, the prediction flashes blue.
Q. Why is the data wrong?
A. Our data comes directly from the Chicago Transit Authority. Unfortunately, if their data source is wrong, there is not much we can do to fix it at the moment.
Q. Can I track multiple buses?
A. Yes. Simply tap '+' to select your route, direction and stop.
Q. Can I see where the buses are on their route?
A. Coming soon.
Q. Can I edit a route after creating it?
A. Not yet. However, you can delete the route then re-add it. Delete the route by swiping the row and choosing Delete.
Q. Can I change the sort order of the list, or reorganize the list by 'trips'?
A. Not yet. However, you can delete the route then re-add it. Delete the route by swiping the row and choosing Delete.
Q. Can you add El trains?
A. Not yet. Predictions for El trains are coming as soon as the CTA makes that information available.
Q. Can you create a version for my city?
A. Possibly. If that city has a similar tracking website available to the City of Chicago Bus Tracker, then possibly. However, Chicago is where I live and it's my priority at the moment. If your city doesn't track its buses/trains, I unfortunately cannot help you.